Coordinated Projects

Recipient: Heart of BC Tourism Association
Amount: 16800
Date: 2002-05-15
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Planning
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: This project was originally turned down in 2001-2002 for lack of matching funds and partnerships with the tourism industry. It was finally approved after those concerns were addressed. The project is being delivered in partnership with Community Futures Development Corporation of Stuart Nechako and with the membership of the tourism association. Grant money from NKDF was to pay a coordinator's part-time wages for one year while the tourism association built its membership, its marketing program, and its revenue base.

Dear Board, This is to congratulate the NKDF on reaching a milestone of $10 million in funding for social improvement in the Interior of BC. The NVSA has been fortunate, and grateful, to receive considerable...

~Nechako Valley Sporting Association