Feasibilty Study

Recipient: Casey Lake Cross-Country Ski Association
Amount: 4000
Date: 2006-05-30
Areas: Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Sectors: Planning
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: The goal of this project was to develop a comprehensive analysis of the cross-country ski opportunities in the Fraser Lake area. The feasibility study was created for the proponent, other trail user groups, various stakeholders, and potential partners in the Fraser Lake area. The Association members completed a thorough analysis to identify options prior to deciding whether to proceed with development of a property. A cross-country ski facility would help to make the community more attractive to residents and visitors to the area. This project was funded in partnership by NKDF and Casey Lake Cross-Country Ski Association.

Dear Board, This is to congratulate the NKDF on reaching a milestone of $10 million in funding for social improvement in the Interior of BC. The NVSA has been fortunate, and grateful, to receive considerable...

~Nechako Valley Sporting Association