Kitamaat Water Testing 2005

Recipient: North Coast Biotoxin Society
Amount: 23600
Date: 2005-09-21
Areas: Kitamaat
Sectors: Business Development
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: A number of BC's Coastal communities are exploring how they can enter the lucrative shellfish farming industry. In order to do so, the area waters must be tested for biotoxins and other contaminants to make sure the water quality is acceptable. North Coast Water Quality & Biotoxin Program Society (NCWQBPS) has successfully completed a two-year water-testing program near Kitamaat Village that could attract private investment in shellfish aquaculture. The purpose of this project was to continue the testing for one more year, but also to double the number of testing stations. NCWQBPS, the Society with the necessary expertise to design this project, is based in Prince Rupert, but they sub-contract the work to a Kitamaat-based crew. This project is a step toward removing a barrier to advancing shellfish development in the Haisla territory.

The Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society came to our aid and assisted us with the cost of installing a fire suppression sprinkler system in one of our seniors’ housing complexes in Burns Lake. The funds...

~Lakes District Senior Citizen Housing Association