Medical Equipment

Recipient: Southside Health & Wellness Centre
Amount: 5000
Date: 2006-11-22
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Community Infrastructure
Description: Southside Health & Wellness Centre offers basic public health services to clients in the Southside area. This project expanded those services to include an autoclave, a centrifuge, and an audiometer. The new equipment enables the proponent to perform and process blood work locally, for which the clients previously needed to travel outside the community. The equipment reduces the time needed for locals to travel away from Southside to get the medical services, as well as lowering the risk of traveling for medical reasons. The equipment will have a long-term positive impact on the quality of life in the Southside area. Funding partners for this project include the NKDF Society, the Cheslatta Community Forest Legacy, and Southside Health & Wellness Centre.

Dear Board, This is to congratulate the NKDF on reaching a milestone of $10 million in funding for social improvement in the Interior of BC. The NVSA has been fortunate, and grateful, to receive considerable...

~Nechako Valley Sporting Association