Walking Trail and Arboretum

Recipient: Burns Lake Soccer Club
Amount: 4900
Date: 2011-10-27
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: The Burns Lake Soccer Club (BLSC) is 14 years old and has an active program with 30 coaches and 250 kids, ages 4-17. Part of the club's vision has been to improve the fields and the environment surrounding the soccer field, which are located in Burns Lake behind CNC and next to the high school. On the main field, there is narrow strip of land that parallels the CN railway tracks that has grown in with weeds and is largely abandoned. BLSC wishes to develop this area into a simple walking trail that would start at the field entrance, wind its way through this area, and exit at Saul Creek. The project has two phases - 1) construction of the trail and 2) planting young saplings to border the trail. This approval is for funding to construct the trail - Phase I of this project.

Well, this success story throws back a little bit. We started planning for the expansion at the Burns Lake Public Library in the early 2000's. It was an ambitious project - double the size of the library!! The board...

~Burns Lake Public Library