Archive Protection

Recipient: Cheslatta Carrier Nation
Amount: 16250
Date: 2003-10-01
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Community Infrastructure
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: It has been a long-time dream of the Cheslatta Carrier Nation to restore, preserve, and professionally display documents, maps, and photos relating to first nations and pioneer history in the Francois / Ootsa Lake area. Creating this public legacy is one step towards a much larger project, which will see these historic pieces become the foundation of a collection to be displayed at the future Southside Museum and Interpretive Centre. The historical archives, when properly preserved and displayed, will attract paying visitors and will leverage additional funding from heritage agencies.

To the Board Members of the Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society, On behalf of the Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association (BLMBA) it is an honour to have this opportunity to try to articulate adequately what...

~Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association