Entrepreneurial Training

Recipient: Burns Lake Native Development Corporation
Amount: 38000
Date: 2002-03-27
Areas: Burns Lake and Southside
Sectors: Capacity Building
Strategy: Human Development
Description: The project was funded in partnership with the Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Training Association with significant contributions of staff time from the proponent. It delivered entrepreneurial training for people aged 21 to 50 near their remotely located communities. Drawing participants from the Cheslatta Carrier, Skin Tyee, and Nee Tahi Buhn communities, the program resulted in ten graduates. The training introduced the students to computers, business planning, map and compassing, GPS, how to probe for pine beetles, how to estimate forestry project costs, and how to start a tourism business.

To the Board Members of the Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society, On behalf of the Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association (BLMBA) it is an honour to have this opportunity to try to articulate adequately what...

~Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association