Film Festival

Recipient: Reel Alternatives Vanderhoof Society
Amount: 4130
Date: 2006-11-22
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Business Development
Strategy: Tourism-Recreational Infrastructure
Description: The purpose of this project was to host a film festival during what is typically the non-tourist season for Vanderhoof, while showcasing the Nechako Valley recreational opportunities. After successfully showcasing films from the Toronto International Film Festival over a three-year period, the Sterling Sturgeon Film Festival was held over three days in February 2007. The economic benefits arise mainly from expenditures by visitors to the area and over the long term and through the increased awareness of what Vanderhoof has to offer.

The Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society came to our aid and assisted us with the cost of installing a fire suppression sprinkler system in one of our seniors’ housing complexes in Burns Lake. The funds...

~Lakes District Senior Citizen Housing Association