Forage Crop Trials

Recipient: BC Forage Council
Amount: 50400
Date: 2004-02-10
Areas: Regional
Sectors: Business Development
Strategy: Planning and Research
Description: The BC Forage Council is a non-profit society funded by memberships and is the lead agency in BC for testing improved forage crops. This project will test forage varieties with the intention of increasing crop yield and profitability for Nechako and Francois Lake area farmers and ranchers. Other funding partners include the Cattle Industry Development Council, the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC, and partnerships with private industry, such as seed companies.

To the Board Members of the Nechako Kitamaat Development Fund Society, On behalf of the Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association (BLMBA) it is an honour to have this opportunity to try to articulate adequately what...

~Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association