In 2013 NKDF provided seed capital to fund an Accessibility Audit of what would be required to develop the Lakes Outdoor Recreation area as an accessible region in northern British Columbia. It proved that people with disabling conditions and seniors wanted to experience the same health benefits of the environment, nature and adjacent communities, as all other people.
The audit revealed there were many opportunities and experiences in the outdoors to offer people with disabling conditions and seniors.
Using this report as the impetus and rationale, the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Society (LORS) applied for funding to upgrade picnic tables and outhouses to make them user friendly to this demographic. To date LORS has replaced or upgraded approximately 75 picnic tables and 20 outhouses located within our 28 Recreation Sites to the standards identified by the Accessibility Audit.
Our thanks to NKDF for “planting the seed” that allowed LORS to increase accessibility to the outdoors to seniors and the people with disabling conditions.
The Lakes District has some of the most accessible, free, “remote” camping sites in the province.